EnviTec's ENVIPURE™ ECOLOGY Air Purification Unit (APU) series systems are a cost effective way to remove smoke, grease, oil mist and odors from kitchen hood exhaust, while the ENVIPURE™ ECOLOGY Odor Control Units (OCU) series units are designed for applications when odor needs to be treated without grease, smoke or oil. Standard units can handle flows of up to 36,000 CFM or 16,990 l/s. Custom and/or larger sizes are available upon request.
EnviTec's ENVIPURE™ APU kitchen hood exhaust systems effectively remove up to 99%+ of all grease and smoke efficiently and effectively to ASHRAE Standard 5252-76 thereby eliminating fire hazards. EnviTec's Ecology units can be installed indoors or on the rooftop.
Principle of Operation
The EnviTec ECOLOGY APU utilizes a three stage filtration system to eliminate grease and oil particles and smoke from the kitchen hood exhaust air stream. Through the use of a media or liquid odor removal system, objectionable odors from commercial kitchen cooking and frying are removed effectively. A fan module used to exhaust the purified air completes the unit. The OCU includes the media or liquid spray system and the fan module. The units have been designed to operate with all dry, wet and UV exhaust hoods in order to provide optimum filter life.
EnviTec is the only ECOLOGY unit manufacturer that fabricates Ecology Units specifically for the harsh Middle East climate and is the only multi-national manufacturer that assembles ECOLOGY units in the Middle East region. We understand the Middle East's requirements based on hands-on experience with numerous ECOLOGY unit installations in the region. The EnviTec ENVIPURE Ecology units are engineered to withstand very high temperatures and are simple to install and maintain.
