EnviTec's Bag In/Bag (BIBO) HEPA filter housings are containment systems that are
designed to filter dangerous biological, carcinogenic or radioactive contaminants from
air. Containment systems, as their name infers, are designed to contain the filtered
contaminants in a sealed housing until such time as the filter media needs replacement. The
EnviTec BIBO filter housing is a permanent housing designed to hold either gasket or gel seal
It is an all welded product designed for critical clean air exhaust applications. Inside each unit's
door(s), a ribbed inlet collar provides for a PVC bag attachment. The PVC bag creates a barrier
seal between service personnel and the contaminated filters. Therefore, filter-servicing
personnel avoid direct contact with any threatening particulate matter. An initial bag kit is
included with each system.
EnviTec's Bag-in/Bag HEPA filter housings are designed for and are used in the following applications, as well as many more:
Clean Room/Laboratory/Healthcare
BIBO systems are used to contain dangerous biological agents removed from air exhaust ensuring maximum safety for the public and service personnel.
BIBO systems are used to contain radioactive agents removed from air exhaust after a release ensuring maximum safety for the public and service personnel.
BIBO systems are also used in various industrial facilities to contain radioactive agents removed from air exhaust after a release ensuring maximum safety for the public and service personnel.
